UPDATE: this situation has been remedied!
I've got good news and I've got bad news. The good news is
CLAIMED comes out on October 13th; the bad news is it's a coin toss as to whether or not it'll be available at Amazon. Amazon is having technical issues that are affecting quite a large backlog of new books. This is happening not just to me and
CLAIMED, but to many authors and their titles.
In a nutshell, many authors are finding their new titles stuck in "Pre-Order Publishing" status; I am one of those authors. I have remained in contact with Amazon and the only thing I keep being told is that many new titles have been affected and that they will email me when the glitch is fixed. (Mind you, at this point I can't even count how many days I've been waiting on a resolution.)
Please visit CLAIMED's page on my website for alternative methods of purchasing it. (One option is to buy the PDF from Smashwords and upload it to your Kindle.) I apologize for any inconvenience. You can contact Amazon by clicking here.